Friday, August 16, 2013

Today is the the beginning of Phase of Beta testing for Final Fantasy XIV. The long long long awaited mmoprg game from makers Square Enix. Ok so beta started at 5 am this morning. Guess what I was doing sleeping. So my nice wake up call to the start of beta comes in the form of an angry phone call at 8 am telling me that beta is up. Sigh. So thus begins a long and arduous weekend. This beta session allows us to keep our characters and levels and skills and everything. Meaning it is a valuable heads start before the actual release for us legacy players. So the agenda for this beta weekend is the level as much things as possible. Most specifically professions; cause everyone needs money. So let the torture.... ah I mean fun begin.

Time Slot: 12 noon eastern standard time.
The girl above is my character. Puglist level 3 in the starter area for Ul'dah. My goal for the daylight hours is to get to level 10 Puglist. And make dinner before my mom comes home and yells. Sigh so much to do. More posting to come. 

Time Slot: 8 pm eastern standard time

This is another one of my characters. He is arcanist. At the moment not my cup of tea but oh well. And right beside him is my ever faithful carbuncle. Holy hell Limsa Limonsa is full and I mean FULL with carbincles all over the place. Damn Arcanists.....

Well Day 1. Not to mention that the server I am on Exaclibur(Legacy) is full to hell so signing in and out is so not an option. And its only Friday. Can't wait for tomorrow when everyone is on. Wonder what the login in wait will be............hmmmm

Oh well. 

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